FREE conservation courses are now online!
Interested in learning more about wildlife conservation? Take our FREE online courses now! ZSL’s EDGE of Existence Programme, in partnership with United for Wildlife,…

Success! Tracking The Elusive Sunda Pangolin
By Withoon “Gai” Sodsai, EDGE Fellow, Thailand I admit that I was in awe and unconfident when I was joining the EDGE fellowship program…

22 Pokémon inspired by rare EDGE species
Over the last few weeks, you may have found yourself among the millions of people chasing Pokémon around town. But did you know that…

EDGE Fellows visit London!
This September, the EDGE of Existence team are looking forward to hosting 7 EDGE Fellows from our 2015-2017 cohort. They will attend a two…
Life’s a bleach: climate change threatens the future of corals
The world’s corals are in a precarious state. These animals—which support the largest concentrations of global marine biodiversity and provide ecosystem services to over half a…
Listening to photos – revealing the hidden world of EDGE species
Today I stumbled across the work of Marc Anderson, a nature sound recordist based in Sydney, Australia. Moments later I found myself on Sound…
It’s World Tapir Day! …Wait, what’s a tapir?
April 27th is World Tapir Day; a day to raise awareness of the plight facing some of the most unique and threatened mammals on the planet….
A Filipino-style welcome for the new EDGE Fellows
This year’s EDGE Conservation Tools course was held at Gawahon Eco-Park on the island of Negros, Philippines. This month long course is designed to…
Introducing Ezgi Saydam, Mediterranean monk seal EDGE Fellow
Tell us about yourself… My name is Ezgi Saydam, and I am from Turkey. I am from a city named Izmir, on the west…
Introducing Bernard Amakobe, Secretarybird EDGE Fellow
What is your name? My name is Bernard Amakobe Where are you from? I am from Kenya, a biodiversity hotbed in East Africa, rich…
In search of the mysterious salamander from Alchichica
EDGE Fellow Jose Alfredo Hernández Díaz recounts the highlights from his first three visits to monitor Taylor’s salamander in Lake Alchichica, Mexico… Six months ago,…
WE FOUND IT – EDGE Fellow update from Mea Trenor
It’s a little bit daunting to study a species you have never actually encountered before. When I was compiling my EDGE Fellowship application and…