Regular readers of our blog will be aware that EDGE has supported Osé Pauléus in Haiti on a project to help conserve the solenodon.
The recent devastation and aftermath of the earthquake in Haiti has weighed heavy on our minds, but thankfully Osé is currently studying in Puerto Rico and was therefore not in the earthquake zone. We spoke to Osé recently to find out his views on this tragedy and what we can do to help:
Osé Pauléus: Haiti, Land of Mountains, has been devastated by a terrible earthquake of magnitude 7.0 on the Richter scale that caused more than 170,000 deaths. This happened at a very crucial moment where the country had not yet recovered of the recent cyclones and Hurricanes that hit the island, including Tropical Storm Fay, Gustav, Hanna and Ike, all in the summer of 2008 causing about 800 deaths. A generous amount of emotion and emergency response was provided to meet that insuppressible need. What a great act of unity!!
However, what about the caring for long-term needs? Usually 2-3 months after those events, the international community just forgets about Haiti like nothing happened. For those of you who have been involved in helping this country to go forward, Haitians are thankful to you; but want to let you know that the bigger challenge is coming. It is a heavy and multi-layered problem that follows natural disasters; and it requires collaborative efforts of every kind to help surmount the challenge of recovering from such a disaster. Despite all the differences we have in this world, human is human. Thank you to those of you who want to make a difference.
Personally, when I look at that act of unity toward Haiti, I asked myself these questions: what if the world was really united always as one? What if we did not create all those differences in our world? What would happen if we simply used that love for one another that is inside every one of us? It means a lot to me as Haitian and to all Haitians to see all those nations helping us in our most difficult times. The needs are greater now; as the emergency response is to end, we, as nation, will feel comforted to see that you continue to help us in these terrible circumstances. A good deed is never lost because the children of your children will benefit from your blessings. It is more than a blessing to have you helping us to stand in this situation. Know that your donation will have an effect on many families; it will help thousands of people to survive. Blessings to you all! Osé.
There are many charities you can support to help Haiti recover from this terrible earthquake, but one recommendation would be the Disasters Emergency Committee Haiti Earthquake Appeal (Https:// or you could give directly to the British Red Cross Haiti Earthquake Appeal (Https://
Thank you very much.