Our Unknown World
A sound knowledge of the number of species on earth is vital for predicting extinction rates and subsequently for our understanding of conservation and…
Negros Interior Biodiversity Expedition – Part III
To refresh yourselves on parts I and II of this blog trilogy please click here and here. 2012 has finally passed and with it…
The Species of Attenborough’s Ark
The upcoming release of Sir David Attenborough’s BBC documentary ‘Attenborough’s Ark’ will allow, perhaps for the first time, a massive audience of nature lovers…
From veterinarian to conservationist: The start of my journey
Around half of the course participants on the EDGE Conservation Tools training course are from Kenya. The rest of the participants have travelled far…
Creepy Creatures
The weather is biting and the nights are drawing in, but if that’s not enough to make you shiver then maybe you will be…
Action Plan for the Conservation of Terrestrial Mammals Endemic to Hispaniola (Solenodon paradoxus and Plagiodontia adium)
During the 10th and 11th of October 2012 a large group of people working for the conservation of the Hispaniolan solenodon and Hispanolian hutia…
Pondering pangolins in Nepal
In August 2012, I helped to organize a one day, national level workshop focusing on Chinese pangolin conservation in Nepal. The main objective of…
Raising awareness and restoring the montane evergreen forest for the Horton Plains slender loris!
The Montane Evergreen Forests (MEF) of Sri Lanka will soon be expanding. This is great news for the Horton Plains slender loris (HPSL), a subspecies…
Open your eyes for Loris awareness week
You may not be aware that we are currently in the midst of loris awareness week (Https://www.nocturama.org/its-loris-awareness-week/), an event that is being promoted by…
A Safe Haven For The World’s Most Endangered Antelope
It’s official! The first hirola sanctuary in the world is up and running in Ijara, marking a significant step towards the recovery of arguably…
Species of the Week: Amazonian Manatee
The sirenians (manatees and dugongs) belong to an ancient and incredibly diverse family known as the Afrotheria: other members include aardvarks, elephants and elephant…
Solenodon Joe Says Farewell
Since 2009, Dr José Nuñez-Miño has been the field project leader for the Last Survivors Project, raising awareness and conducting conservation actions for the…
Thanks to You We’ve Raised Over £3,600 for the Pygmy Sloth!
A big thank you to all our supporters who donated and spread the word about our campaign – each of you helped us to…
Species of the Week: Indri
Indri simply means ‘there it is’ in the Malagasy language. The species got its name from local people shouting ‘indri indri!’ when pointing out…