The start of large scale reforestation: increased habitat for the loris
The Montane Evergreen Forests (MEF) of Sri Lanka is beginning to expand. This is great news for the Horton Plains slender loris (HPSL), a…
Introducing EDGE fellow Justine Gwegime
Name: Justine Gwegime EDGE species: Rondo galago (Galagoides rondoensis) Country: Tanzania Project: Securing future for the Rondo Galago (Galagoides rondoensis) in Southern Tanzania. Since…
World Wildlife Day 2014
Today has been declared as the inaugural World Wildlife Day by the United Nations General Assembly to celebrate and raise awareness of the world’s…
Pangolin update from Vietnam
For World Pangolin Day 2014 EDGE fellow Tran Quang Phuong has written an update on his work with Sunda pangolin in Vietnam. The Sunda…
Chinese pangolin Conservation in Eastern Himalayas of Nepal
For World Pangolin Day 2014 EDGE fellow Ambika Prasad Khatiwada has written an update on his work on the conservation of Chinese pangolins in…
Introducing EDGE fellow Diana Renaud
A group of granitic islands laid across the Indian Ocean is the home of 12 EDGE species and have been recognized as an EDGE…
2013 EDGE Conservation Tool Training Course – Becky Shu Chen
EDGE fellow Becky Shu Chen gives us her highlights from the recent EDGE training course held in Kenya. It was a great experience to…
First video footage of 2 EDGE amphibians in the Western Ghats, India!
By Arun Kanagavel And the third month indeed proves to be lucky. Woo hooo!!! Numerous Indian movies and daily soaps that typically repeat a…
Arm-up for conservation
EDGE Fellowship Conservation Training Course Tsavo Corridor, Kenya 2013 By Francoise Cavada Recently EDGE staff carried out a month long training course in Kenya…
1,200 Chinese giant salamanders released into the wild
Edge fellow Fang Yan shares news of an initiative to help the recovery of wild Chinese giant salamander populations. During 23rd September to 23rd…
EDGE champions cycle to China
Emily and Max are two EDGE champions who are cycling from London to China and trying to raise money for EDGE. Emily has written…
Hunting for the baby fish
A team of experts from ZSL recently visited our Chinese giant salamander project in China. Head of ZSL’s herpetology department Ben Tapley has written…
Conserving the ‘shy ladies’ in the rivers of southern Bangladesh
Manish Datta is an EDGE fellow working on the South Asian river dolphin in Bangladesh. In his first EDGE blog he describes his love…
Chinese giant salamander conservation: engagement and questionnaires survey in Xi’an
This August we held a Chinese Giant Salamander event in Xi’an this was to raise publicity for the species as well as carry out…