The life of a Marine Biologist
Every time I tell people that I am a Marine Biologist I get the same two responses: “I always wanted to study that, but…
Caught on camera: new footage displays mating behaviour of the purple frog
The purple frog (Nasikabatrachus sahyadrensis) is currently listed as the world’s 4th most Evolutionarily distinct and globally endangered amphibian species. This unusual frog has a limited…
How two weeks in London have supported a lifetime of conservation
Exiting from the Camden Tube station and on the way to Ifor Evans, the dorms that was to be my new home, I had…
The Parrot Society supports EDGE Birds in the Philippines
The Parrot Society has kindly donated towards the conservation of the Philippine Red-Vented Cockatoo Cacatua haematuropygia, part of our new EDGE bird project…
A Story of Saving Species in the Seychelles (and what happens when you let a sun-starved EDGE Marine Biologist out of the office)
Before my visit my mind’s eye had Seychelles down as one of the tropical Indian Ocean paradises that has sadly ended up in the…
Discovering feathers in the Philippines
As a fish biologist by training, I am more familiar with scales than feathers, so am slightly daunted by running a workshop for the…
Community stewardship for pangolins in Nepal
I am back again with some significant updates of pangolin conservation project in eastern Nepal. We established two village level pangolin conservation committees and…
Plight of the pangolin: all eight species to move up EDGE list
The pangolin is literally being eaten out of existence according to the latest IUCN Red List update which shows that all eight species are…
EDGE Fellows to visit London
This September ZSL and the EDGE of Existence team will host 10 EDGE Fellows from our 2012-2014 cohort. They will attend a two week…
Who’s heard of the hirola?
It‘s the world’s rarest antelope, a unique, Critically Endangered species which is has received little media or conservation attention. So…who’s heard of the hirola?…
Reefs after the earthquake: A snapshot of the Danajon Bank
Former EDGE fellow Ditto dela Rosa describes the recent work surveying marine habitats following last years earthquake. We have just completed the underwater surveys…
Every cloud has a silver lining
What comes into your mind when you hear of a person determined to go into the wilderness to study an animal s/he has never…
Axolotl Workshop, Mexico
From March 24th to the 28th 2014, I attended the workshop on “The critically endangered Mexican Axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) conservation programme: ecological health in…
EDGE Birds have landed
EDGE Birds represent millions of years of unique evolutionary history. They are not only threatened with extinction, but are also highly unique in the…